9 Things Extreme Couponers Know That You Don’t!

Extreme Couponers

Couponing is becoming more and more popular as people search for ways to save money. While some people think that extreme couponing is a waste of time, there are actually a lot of things that extreme couponers know that the average person doesn’t. In this blog post, I’m going to share seven of those things with you. So if you’re interested in saving money, read on!

What is Extreme Couponing?

Extreme couponing is the art of using coupons to save as much money as possible. Extreme couponers are usually very organized and have a system for using their coupons. They know how to find the best deals and how to use their coupons to get the most bang for their buck.

9 Things Extreme Couponers Know That You Don’t!

If you’re like most people, you think of couponers as the woman clipping coupons out of the newspaper while her husband smokes a cigar and nods in approval. You might also imagine them as the person who has been living below their means for years, only to find themselves in debt after years of couponing. While there are certainly those people out there, extreme couponers are a different breed altogether. 

Sure, they may clip coupons and save money on their grocery bill each month, but that’s not what defines them. What sets them apart is their ability to maximize savings by taking advantage of sales and using multiple coupons on a single item. They know how to work the system to get the best deals possible, and they’re not afraid to ask for what they want.

Extreme Couponers

1. Extreme Couponers Know How to Find the Best Deals

If you’re Extreme couponing, you can’t just buy whatever is on sale. You need to be strategic about your purchases and only buy items when they are at their rock-bottom price. This requires knowing when sales cycle so that you can stock up when prices are low. Extreme couponers also know how to combine coupons with sales to get the best possible deals.

2. They Understand Couponing Terms

In order to be an extreme couponer, you need to understand all of the couponing terms. This includes understanding what a BOGO sale is, knowing the difference between a store and manufacturer coupon, and being familiar with common couponing abbreviations. Without this knowledge, you’ll be at a disadvantage when trying to Extreme coupon.

3. Extreme Couponers Know How to Stack Coupons

Stacking coupons is a couponing technique that allows you to use multiple coupons on a single item. For example, if you had a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon for the same item, you could stack them to get a bigger discount. Extreme couponers know how to stack coupons to their advantage, and they’re not afraid to do it.

4. They know how to work the system

Extreme couponers know how to work the system to their advantage. This includes knowing how to use coupons on clearance items, using rain checks, and asking for price adjustments. Extreme couponers are also not afraid to return items if they can get a better deal elsewhere.

5. They Are Organized

Extreme couponers are organized. They keep their coupons in binders or folders so that they can easily find them when they need them. Extreme couponers also know how to store their coupons so that they don’t expire before they can be used.

6. They Hand Over Coupons Strategically

When Extreme couponing, you can’t just hand over your coupons to the cashier and hope for the best. You need to be strategic about it. Extreme couponers know how to give their coupons to the cashier so that they get the maximum discount possible.

You always want to give the cashier the price-minimum coupon before any other coupon. This will ensure that the cashier rings up the item at the lowest price possible. You can then give them any other coupons that you have for further savings.

7. Extreme Couponers Know The Barcodes Mean Something

Extreme couponers know that the barcodes on coupons mean something. They know that a UPC is a unique product code and that an EAN is a European Article Number. Extreme couponers also know how to read the barcodes on coupons so that they can tell if a coupon is expired or not.

For example, if a coupon begins with a 5, it means that according to the store policy it can be doubled. Likewise, if a coupon begins with 9, the coupon will not double. You can learn more about barcodes, here.

8. Rebates and Coupons Equal Profit

Extreme couponers know that rebates and coupons equal profit. They take advantage of this by buying items when they are on sale, combining them with a coupon, and then submitting for the rebate. This allows them to get the item for free or even make money off of it.

9. They Know The Stores That Accept Competitor Coupons

Extreme couponers know which stores accept competitors’ coupons. This allows them to get the best deals possible on the items they need. Extreme couponers are also not afraid to ask a store manager if they will accept a competitor’s coupon.

For example, Ace Hardware coupons can also be used at The Home Depot. Hobby Lobby accepts JoAnn Fabrics and Michaels coupons. If you aren’t sure, just ask.

What Stores Are Best for Extreme Couponers?

While no store outright says, extreme couponers welcome, there are many stores that make it easy for you. Here are a few:

  1. Target– Target allows you to stack 3 coupons at once for maximum savings.
  2. CVS– You can stack as many coupons as you want at CVS, and that’s how many play the drugstore game.
  3. Walgreens– Walgreens allows you to use as many coupons as you have items. So, if you have 5 items, you can use 5 coupons.
  4. Kroger– Kroger also has a coupon policy that allows you to stack as many coupons as you have items. Use store coupons and manufacturing coupons.

Extreme couponing is a great way to save money, but it takes time and effort to do it right. Extreme couponers are organized and strategic about the way they use their coupons. They also know how to work the system to their advantage. If you want to start extreme couponing, these are some things that you need to know. Looking for coupons, check out our printable coupon page and our store coupon and discount page.

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